Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year: New Race

countdown to race: 105 days

So here we are, a mere 26hrs away from 2012. This is crazy to me. This has been the most eventful year of my life. I had a baby, dealt with all sorts of drama and chaos while my parents spent four months abroad, ran a half marathon, put our house on the market, took our house off the market...

As I look back on this year and make plans for 2012, I am happy to say that running is high on my list of priorities.

I finished my first half marathon in an impressive 2:26:34, just 30 seconds before Mark. Let the record show that I did in fact beat him. It was an amazing race. The weather was perfect and the views - I thought about stopping to take photos. The best thing about the race was having Mark there behind beside me....did I mention I beat him? We had a great time.

After the race I became a slug. I can count my post-half runs on one hand.
But enough. There is a new year ahead of us and a new race to look forward to.

We'll both be running the Rock the Parkway half marathon on April 14th. I've also convinced my best friend and her husband to take the challenge. A double-running date? Sounds awesome!

I learned a lot from my first half marathon. Even more from the joint pain and laziness that followed.

There is a new year on the horizon and my new training schedule starts tomorrow - yes, I believe in starting 'new year resolutions' before the new year actually starts. Sometimes I like to pretend I'm an overachiever.

Is running part of your new years resolution?

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