Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Insert [Sometimes]

Let's just pretend like there hasn't been a massive gap between the last post and this one.

At this point, the name of this blog should probably change to Mark & Amy Run Sometimes. Every now and then I will sign up for a 5k or a 4 mile race and without training just run. I'm always sore for a few days afterwards and it's never as easy as it should be but I can do and actually finish in a pretty decent time.

I ran the Amy Thompson 5k Run on Memorial Day. I finished in 30:43.  Not too shabby right?

Sure my time may not be too bad, perhaps the half-marathon training has taught me to push myself to keep going even when I feel like stopping, but I'm so out of shape. I've put on pounds and feel like more of a marshmallow than I have for a while.

So now what? I'm signed up (in verbal agreements, not actually registered) for a 5k in September, but there are no other major races on the horizon. I keep talking about strength training. I am going to give the Insanity DVD workout plan a try I am going to follow the Insanity DVD workout plan and get ripped. I've heard it's a killer but pays off. Oh, and, you know I'm not going to be sweating it out by myself in the basement. Mark's on board too.

Time to get at it and feel better....right before the holidays hit and we start noshing on deliciously unhealthy foods.

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