Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why I Run

countdown to race: 87 days

There are a lot of reasons why I run. Today specifically, I run..

to try and block out over-thinking my work day.
because I love bacon.
to get out of painting the kitchen.
to fight off illness - I'm no doctor (way to state the obvious) but I swear it helps.
because I felt way too winded climbing the stairs this morning.
because I'm seeing some friends this weekend and want to look good.
because if I seriously want to run a marathon before I'm 40, I gotta get moving.
to prove that if the contestants on 'Biggest Loser' can hit the treadmill, I can too.
so I can fist pump the air when my power song comes on and the cardio room is empty.
because we no longer have cable and I miss the Food Network.
because I love crab legs.
because I can't decide what I want to do with my life.

I'm tired. Life is exhausting right now. I'm not complaining. My life is amazing and there are a lot of positive things happening. But it's still a lot of things and I am having a tough time finding balance.

For thirty-four minutes, instead of thinking about all of these things, I ran. I watched free cable, listened to my sweet running mix and focused on putting one foot in front of the other.

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